Ref. Multibanco
Multibanco is the most popular payment method in Portugal, allowing consumers to pay via online banking or in cash at a bank branch.
The payment must be completed in seven days.
How it works
It works as an async payment method, which means: when you create a payment, we receive a response from Multibanco that the payment was created and we should wait for the customer. So, differently from other methods, our transaction stays with a processing status. As soon as the customer do the payment, Multibanco system should notify us, and then we update the payment to success or failed. The customer can do the payment through any ATM or online banking, by setting the payment data returned on the Store request.
Create payment
You can see below the simplest example of how to create a multibanco payment and the generated response:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}}' \
--data '
"type": "OnlineTransfer",
"amount": "8.15",
"currency": "EUR",
"orderRef": "ABC12345",
"brand": "Sibs_Multibanco",
"redirectUrl: "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=ABC12345"
"multibanco": {
"serviceSupplierId": "11854",
"paymentReference": "999999935",
"waitForNotification": "1",
"redirectOptional": "1"
"type": "OnlineTransfer",
"currency": "EUR",
"orderRef": "ABC12345",
"brand": "Sibs_Multibanco",
"redirectUrl": "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=ABC12345",
"code": "BYRD207",
"description": "Pending redirect",
"transactionId": "39824983-4a13-42d4-8e85-e2821e494975",
"amount": "8.15",
"action": {
"type": "redirect",
"url": ""
See the full API reference here.
In order to know whether the transaction was accepted or not, you must check the code field. For successful scenarios the expected code is BYRD207. You can find here the list of all possible codes
Updated 3 months ago