Integrate Paybyrd's 3D Secure (3DS) flow seamlessly into your platform by following this guide.


  • API Key: Obtain your API key from the Developer Section in our dashboard.
  • And to simplify the integration, you will have to add our SDK to your site. We will show you how to do it.

Step-by-step Guide

1. Initiating the Flow

Begin by creating a payment request using your API key.:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
  --data '{
  "type": "card",
  "isoAmount": 100,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "orderRef": "YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  "redirectUrl": "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  "card": {
    "number": "5555341244441115",
    "expiration": "12/30",
    "cvv": "893",
    "holder": "Paybyrd"
const axios = require('axios');

const response = await'', {
  type: 'card',
  isoAmount: 100,
  currency: 'EUR',
  orderRef: 'YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE',
  redirectUrl: 'https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE',
  card: {
    number: '5555341244441115',
    expiration: '12/30',
    cvv: '893',
    holder: 'Paybyrd'
}, {
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

using var client = new HttpClient();

client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");

var requestBody = new
  type = "card",
  isoAmount = 100,
  currency = "EUR",
  orderRef = "YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  redirectUrl = "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  card = new
    number = "5555341244441115",
    expiration = "12/30",
    cvv = "893",
    holder = "Paybyrd"

var response = await client.PostAsync("",
                                      new StringContent(System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(requestBody), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";
$url = "";

$data = [
    "type" => "card",
    "isoAmount" => 100,
    "currency" => "EUR",
    "orderRef" => "YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
    "redirectUrl" => "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
    "card" => [
        "number" => "5555341244441115",
        "expiration" => "12/30",
        "cvv" => "893",
        "holder" => "Paybyrd"

$options = [
    "http" => [
        "header" => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" .
                     "x-api-key: $apiKey\r\n",
        "method" => "POST",
        "content" => json_encode($data),

$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

if ($result === FALSE) {
    die('Error occurred');

echo $result;
import requests
import json

url = ""
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

data = {
    "type": "card",
    "isoAmount": 100,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "orderRef": "YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
    "redirectUrl": "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
    "card": {
        "number": "5555341244441115",
        "expiration": "12/30",
        "cvv": "893",
        "holder": "Paybyrd"

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))


We strongly recommend executing this request from your backend for enhanced security and reliability

Minimal Request example

  "type": "card",
  "isoAmount": 100,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "orderRef": "YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  "redirectUrl": "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  "card": {
    "number": "5555341244441115",
    "expiration": "12/30",
    "cvv": "893",
    "holder": "Paybyrd"

Response example

  "type": "Card",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "orderRef": "YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  "acquirer": "SIMULATED",
  "brand": "MASTER",
  "paymentMethod": "card",
  "redirectUrl": "https://your-shop-url?orderRef=YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE",
  "fingerprint": "d2456a93-4092-45ed-8f65-1446a255a8ed",
  "action": {
    "type": "redirect",
    "url": ""
  "code": "BYRD207",
  "description": "Pending redirect",
  "status": "Created",
  "requestId": "f2d40ac5-59ed-4528-a4c1-01641fd64bf7",
  "expiresAt": "2025-01-13T20:33:03.4365231Z",
  "acceptTokenization": false,
  "transactionMode": "None",
  "transactionId": "77f01ebc-2241-4c5f-8bfd-9cab6c81d74a",
  "amount": "1.00",
  "isoAmount": 100,
  "isPreAuth": false,
  "card": {
    "number": "555534******1115",
    "expiration": "12/30",
    "cvv": "***",
    "holder": "Paybyrd",
    "installments": 1,
    "installmentAmount": 100,
    "isPayerTraveling": false,
    "scheme": "Master",
    "usage": "Credit",
    "countryCode": "QAT"
  "threeDSecure": {
    "id": "9e8cf073-c854-4534-97ae-1cea65695efb",
    "verificationMethod": "ThreeDSecure",
    "channel": "Browser",
    "status": "Created"


For more information about payment creation, see the documentation

2. Handle the Payment Response

Upon initiating the payment, the response will indicate if 3D Secure (3DS) authentication is required to complete the transaction. This is indicated by the BYRD207 code, which signals that an additional step is necessary.

The response will include the following fields relevant to 3DS execution:

codeThe code BYRD207 indicates that an additional step is required to complete the payment, specifically the execution of 3D Secure (3DS) authentication.
actionRoot node for any action available based on the request.
threeDSecureRoot node with information about 3DS.
threeDSecure.idA unique identifier for initiating the 3DS flow using the SDK.
threeDSecure.verificationMethodVerification method used. Default is ThreeDSecure.
threeDSecure.channelAuthentication channel. Default is Browser.
threeDSecure.statusStatus of the 3DS process. Initially, this should be Created.
requestIdThe identification of the request in our service.

Using the SDK with threeDSecure.Id

1- Use the threeDSecure.Id and requestId value from the payment response to initiate the 3DS authentication within the Paybyrd SDK.

2- The SDK will handle the 3DS authentication process directly within your application.

3- Once the 3DS process is complete, retrieve the authentication result and execute the payment accordingly.

Key Advantages:

  • Provides a seamless, in-app experience for customers, avoiding redirection.
  • Offers more control over the user interface and payment flow, suitable for custom or embedded payment solutions.

3. Installing & Using Paybyrd ThreeDSecure SDK

You can install the SDK as follows:

npm i @paybyrd/threedsecure-service-js
yarn add @paybyrd/threedsecure-service-js

The SDK is compatible with TypeScript, allowing easy identification of required fields and configurations for the correct execution of 3DS on your website.

Configuring the SDK

Once installed, we need to configure the SDK. The following parameters are available:

containerYesThe HTML element responsible for displaying all screens needed for the challenge-
challengeWindowSizeNoThe size of the window available for displaying the challenge100%
threeDSecureUrlNoURL of the 3DS service
cultureNoCulture provided in some calls to the authenticator and APIen-US
timeoutInSecondsNoMaximum wait time for each request30

To configure the service, execute the following script:

const threeDSService = new ThreeDSecureService({


To initiate the 3DS authentication, you will need the and requestId returned during payment creation.


The requestId is not mandatory, but allows proper referencing of the entire payment flow.

const threeDSRequest = {
  correlationId: createPaymentResponse.requestId
try {
  const threeDSResponse = await threeDSecureService.execute(threeDSRequest);
} catch (error) {
  // unexpected error

This call allows the SDK to handle the entire 3DS authentication flow, and based on the authentication result, Paybyrd will automatically initiate the payment process, completing the transaction seamlessly.

Verify Payment Result

After executing the 3DS flow, it’s essential to verify the payment result to determine whether the transaction was successful. The response contains multiple fields that provide insight into the authentication status, payment outcome, and any potential errors. Below is an explanation of the key fields and their significance, along with examples to help interpret the responses.

Please make sure to look at all the examples of the response below:

    "callbackUrl": "",
    "transactionId": "b216c11e-5235-4460-b0e2-106ca54c63a7",
    "status": "Authorized",
    "paymentStatus": "Success",
    "gatewayResponse": {
        "status": "Success",
        "code": "BYRD200",
        "description": "Operation successfully completed",
        "errorDetails": null
    "authenticationData": {
        "threeDsVersion": "V2",
        "aav": "kBMQDhqw04iJEl2wdcJi1Zhhs0s9",
        "dsTransactionId": "5ab3efd2-aadc-46b5-8b86-3194e1aece83",
        "eci": "02",
        "verificationMethod": "ThreeDSecure",
        "protocolVersion": "2.2.0"
    "code": null,
    "message": null,
    "details": null,
    "executePayment": true,
    "authorizationTransStatus": "C",
    "authorizationTransStatusReason": null,
    "transStatus": "Y",
    "transStatusReason": null
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "transactionId": "a773a590-b607-408f-bf41-7c8448f4ee44",
  "status": "NotEnrolled",
  "paymentStatus": "Success",
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "status": "Success",
    "code": "BYRD200",
    "description": "Operation successfully completed",
    "errorDetails": null
  "authenticationData": {
    "threeDsVersion": "V2",
    "aav": null,
    "dsTransactionId": null,
    "eci": null,
    "verificationMethod": "ThreeDSecure",
    "protocolVersion": null
  "code": "305",
  "message": "Not enrolled simulation",
  "details": "An error was simulated",
  "executePayment": true,
  "authorizationTransStatus": null,
  "authorizationTransStatusReason": null,
  "transStatus": "N",
  "transStatusReason": "01"
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "transactionId": "bd421c15-5e8c-4210-85ee-d3bb534ca53c",
  "status": "Unauthorized",
  "paymentStatus": "Denied",
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "status": "Denied",
    "code": "BYRD205",
    "description": "Operation rejected",
    "errorDetails": {
      "acquirerResponseCode": null,
      "acquirerResponseMessage": null,
      "canRetry": false,
      "isChallengeRequired": false,
      "attempt": 1,
      "maxAttempts": null
  "authenticationData": {
    "threeDsVersion": "V2",
    "aav": null,
    "dsTransactionId": "7fed7b1c-c8be-4ce6-ae43-c78bf6b70eba",
    "eci": "07",
    "verificationMethod": "ThreeDSecure",
    "protocolVersion": "2.2.0"
  "code": "899",
  "message": "Authorization failed",
  "details": "Security failure",
  "executePayment": true,
  "authorizationTransStatus": "N",
  "authorizationTransStatusReason": "09",
  "transStatus": "N",
  "transStatusReason": "09"    
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "transactionId": "f0b4d3d8-e161-4638-b049-543f2380d824",
  "status": "Authorized",
  "paymentStatus": "Denied",
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "status": "Denied",
    "code": "BYRD205",
    "description": "Operation rejected",
    "errorDetails": {
      "acquirerResponseCode": "58",
      "acquirerResponseMessage": "Unauthorized. Contact issuer",
      "canRetry": true,
      "isChallengeRequired": false,
      "attempt": 1,
      "maxAttempts": null
  "authenticationData": {
    "threeDsVersion": "V2",
    "aav": "7a636b2c808a44b28b876bb315c73995",
    "dsTransactionId": "348569bc-e1dd-4832-9e36-cbb23cca5054",
    "eci": "02",
    "verificationMethod": "ThreeDSecure",
    "protocolVersion": "2.2.0"
  "code": null,
  "message": null,
  "details": null,
  "executePayment": true,
  "authorizationTransStatus": "C",
  "authorizationTransStatusReason": null,
  "transStatus": "Y",
  "transStatusReason": "17"
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "transactionId": "d3c27736-4d3d-4888-9bae-30976e15b76d",
  "status": "Authorized",
  "paymentStatus": "Error",
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "status": "Error",
    "code": "BYRD999",
    "description": "Operation failed",
    "errorDetails": {
      "acquirerResponseCode": null,
      "acquirerResponseMessage": null,
      "canRetry": true,
      "isChallengeRequired": false,
      "attempt": 1,
      "maxAttempts": null
  "authenticationData": {
    "threeDsVersion": "V2",
    "aav": "f998578d2f8d4908805cdc236ed2cde7",
    "dsTransactionId": "4c492ffd-a546-423b-939a-6045cced326b",
    "eci": "05",
    "verificationMethod": "ThreeDSecure",
    "protocolVersion": "2.2.0"
  "code": null,
  "message": null,
  "details": null,
  "executePayment": true,
  "authorizationTransStatus": "C",
  "authorizationTransStatusReason": null,
  "transStatus": "Y",
  "transStatusReason": "17"
FieldDescriptionPossible Values
callbackUrlCallback URL configured during payment creation
transactionIdID of the transaction initially created in the Gateway
statusRepresents the status of the 3DS authentication (e.g., Authorized, Unauthorized). Important: This field indicates the result of the authentication, not the final payment status.Authorized, Unauthorized, Expired, NotEnrolled
paymentStatusIndicates whether the payment was successful or not. You should use this field to determinate the final status of the transaction.Success, Denied, Error
gatewayResponseContains additional details about the payment.
gatewayResponse.statusFinal payment statusSuccess, Denied, Error
gatewayResponse.codeResponse code
gatewayResponse.messageError message
gatewayResponse.errorDetailsProvides additional context if the payment failed
gatewayResponse.errorDetails.acquirerResponseCodeThe response code returned by the acquirer.
gatewayResponse.errorDetails.acquirerResponseMessageThe response message returned by the acquirer.
authenticationDataRoot node of authentication data obtained from 3DS
authenticationData.threeDsVersion3DS version usedV2
authenticationData.aavAuthorization code
authenticationData.dsTransactionIdID of the transaction performed in the DS (Directory Server)
authenticationData.verificationMethodVerification method used in the processNone or ThreeDSecure
authenticationData.protocolVersionProtocol version used2.2.0
codeError code
messageError message
detailsError details
authorizationTransStatusAuthorization status as per ACS (Access Control Server)A, R, U, C, or N
authorizationTransStatusReasonAdditional information about the above status
transStatusFinal status as per ACSY or N
transStatusReasonAdditional information about the above status

If you have any questions, please contact our support.